I have always been drawn to visual and creative outlets, but woke up to the beauty of photography when I started taking pictures of my newborn twins. I was staring at these two little infant babies and did not want to forget even the smallest details like my daughters thick colicky hair and my son’s constant look of concern. I knew that the lack of sleep, that came with the territory of being a new mom, and years that fly by like months would diminish my memory of certain expressions and moments.
– I’m obsessed with strong coffee and have been known to drive for 30 minutes to get to a Starbucks.
– One of my mom’s Christmas newsletters summed up me and my year as, “Barbie likes pretty things”.
– I love all things vintage and love to incorporate vintage with a touch of modern in my photographs.
– I love street photography because I love people watching. I don’t get a chance to shoot it as much as I would like but it is always very soul fulfilling for me.
– I will always struggle with my weight and self image but always want to be real no matter what size I am.
– I am a sales person’s wild dream.
“ Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.” Imogen Cunningham